Filthy Cares, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by Filthy Rockwell. Filthy Rockwell is a Grammy nominated multi-Platinum music producer and ASCAP song writer from the east side of Detroit. The nonprofit organization focuses on empowering future generations through mentoring youth through history, music, art and entrepreneurship. We use musical events and musical features to bring the community together for a specific purpose such as a toy drive, funding for a veteran housing project, art exhibition and the like.

If you would like to donate to our organization, please check out our profile at which includes our Amazon Wish list, volunteer opportunities and our events.

Skatepark Cleanup in May of 2020


Collaboration with Frugal on the Fly 

Frugal on the Fly and Filthy Cares collaborated on a Jazz Music Festival with live jazz performances and live painting to obtain funds to rehabilitate a female veteran home that assisted the veterans and their children.

Filthy Cares collaborated with Filthy Americans and Attorney Shakeena Melbourne 

Filthy Cares collaborated with Attorney Shakeena Melbourne for a 6-week expungement clinic. Many individuals in the State of Michigan have suffered from a criminal record (with or without prison time). The Governor entered a new order in April of 2021 to assist individuals with getting rid of past criminal records that are more than 3 years old.  

Memorial Day Weekend Techno Festival

Filthy Cares in collaboration with some of the most popular and valuable artists and promotional team of techno music in Detroit hosted a 3-day music festival in Detroit at the Filthy Americans Arts and Preservation Center in Detroit. The music event featured techno artists such as the legendary Juan Atkins and AUX88.

Swimming with the Youth at Riverside Marina

Filthy Cares had the opportunity to collaborate with Riverside Marina, a marina in the City of Detroit near Jefferson Avenue. Riverside Marina allowing the youth to do a boat ride, explore the grounds, watch the transport of a boat from the water to storage, recover a boat that was sinking, speak with a captain or a large vessel boat and go swimming. It was definitely a day to remember.


Murray Murray Christmas Showcase with Keith Murray

Keith Murray, the Hip Hop legend came all the way from New York in honor of Filthy Cares and the Christmas Showcase and Toy Drive to offer Christmas gifts to local children in Detroit. 



Adopt-A-Block is an annual campaign organized and founded by Filthy Rockwell. Filthy Rockwell grew up on the east side of Detroit. As a child, there were times when he did not receive Christmas gifts. So he would sit and look outside hoping that a stranger would just so happen to knock on his door with hands full of Christmas gifts for him to open. So we turned what was once a dream into a reality. For three years straight, we have completed toy drives during the holiday season, individually wrap brand new toys and knock on the doors of selected neighborhoods each year. Alongside the individually wrapped Christmas gifts, we give away canned goods and dried foods for the families. Last year, we were donated two 65" televisions and gave them away to the households with the most children inside on Christmas Day.